Don't be afraid to climb on the skinny branches.

Don't be afraid to climb on the skinny branches.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

So you think you know me.....

I've been reading a lot of recent Facebook posts where you are assigned a certain number and you list things that people might not know about you.  It was fun and interesting to read them and realize that maybe we don't know our friends as well as we think we do.  I didn't get one of those numbers (not sure if that's good or bad), but it caused me to stop and think about things that those who are not in my inner circle may not know about me.

I'm a thinker.  My brain is always in overdrive - that's one of the reasons that I sleep so little.  If I wake up in the night my brain shifts into high and away we go.  I wish I knew how to change that but at this stage in my life, I don't see it happening.

I'm a list maker.  Lists are everywhere and I check things off as I go. My lesson plans for the entire year (both 7th and 8th grade) are in two giant 3 ring binders in the order that they are to be taught.  I color code and label everything.  If you came to my classroom you would find everything neatly color coded, labeled, and filed.  I never want to look unprepared in front of my students so I make sure that I can grab what I need without a frantic search.  I also require that my students keep binders and we number and file everything that we do.  If an upset parent comes in and asks why their child's grade is low I hand them the binder.

When I go to Wal-mart I try to always park on row 6. If I cannot park on row 6 I write down on my ever present list what row I parked on.  I know that's probably OC but that's just another layer of Shelley.

I  don't eat poultry (or any kind of fowl).  I never have and unless I'm dying of starvation and that's all there is, I never will.  I don't eat eggs either.  I don't know if there's a connection or not.  Another thing I don't eat is gravy and the thought of gravy, especially white gravy, initiates my gag reflex.

Seventy-five percent of the clothes in my closet are black.  I own 7 "little black dresses" and at least 10 pairs of black shoes.

I am allergic to yellow gold.  It gives me an itchy rash.

If I could bring anyone in the past back to talk to them it would be Amelia Earhart.  I love how gutsy and ahead of her time that she was.

One of my favorite authors is Jean Craighead George.  I love her books, especially Julie of the Wolves.  Her life experiences fascinate me.  I traveled to Barrow, Alaska once because her stories about Barrow inspired me.  I would love to go back there some day on a research project.  On a side note - wading out into the Arctic Ocean was one of my most memorable experiences.

I am far-sighted in my left eye and near-sighted in my right eye.  Because of this I have very poor depth and distance perception.

I have a degree in Nuclear Medicine Technology and get frustrated when I hear people pronounce nuclear as nuke-u-lar (thank you George Bush).  I also hate it when people ask me if I know how to make a bomb.  No I don't.

There is so much that makes me who I am and these are just a few little snapshots of who Shelley is.  So do you think you really know me?

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