Don't be afraid to climb on the skinny branches.

Don't be afraid to climb on the skinny branches.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Three years ago I joined Facebook. It has been, for the most part, a positive experience. I have reconnected with many former classmates, former students, long lost friends, and relatives that I seldom see. And yes, I've made some errors in judgement. I accepted friend requests from current students, then later "unfriended" them, when I realized the error of my way. I accepted friend requests from people I don't know. When I received these friend requests, I thought maybe I had been acquainted with them at some point in my life and had just forgotten them. Turns out, some of these people are what I call facebook "creepers", and some just want to see how many friends that can get. Maybe there's a prize for the most facebook friends or something. Anyway, I once again had to "unfriend" some folks. Now I am more cautious about hitting the "accept" button. I have learned that people who are not on your "friends list" can still send you messages; sometimes unwanted ones. Some people use facebook as a political forum, some for religion. Some are just there - you know they read your posts, but they never post or comment or even hit the like button. I consider "unfriending" them, but never have. I, myself, just use facebook to talk. I like to talk. BUT, there are those you post "snarky" remarks about people who post the daily, mundane aspects of their lives. "Who cares about...." they say. Hmmmm I thought that's what Facebook was for - sort of a mini blog. Maybe I have been misled. There are those who tell me that I'm on Facebook too much, but if I skip a day or two posting, I get private messages from friends asking if I'm ok. As the saying goes; "you can't please everyone" so I will please myself and continue to post daily on facebook. If you don't like it, "unfriend" me or hide me. I will probably never know, I don't check my friends list numbers and never check to see who visited my profile.

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