Don't be afraid to climb on the skinny branches.

Don't be afraid to climb on the skinny branches.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Expiration Date

I watch tv while I walk on my stairstepper and I frequently see a commercial for Cancer Treatment Centers of America in which this lady says that her doctor told her that there is no expiration date stamped on her anywhere. This got me to thinking about how I would live my life if I had an expiration date stamped on me. Would I enjoy life to the fullest, making the most of every second? Would I try to work hard and save to build up a sizable nest egg to leave for my family? Would I walk on the wild side? Or just live a simple life? Would I travel the world or be content to stay at home? Would I walk the straight and narrow all the way? Or not worry about it because I could repent and ask for forgiveness as the expiration date drew close? Would I take care of my health? (I'm always on the stairstepper when I see this commercial) Would I work out daily or just throw caution to the wind - after all I have the expiration date stamped on me. Why not just eat my favorite junk foods? I could buy every flavor of Ben and Jerry's and order potato chips by the case. What does it matter - I know my date? Uh oh! I just realized there's a hitch. Just because I know the expiration date, I don't know the quality of life that I would have. If I don't care for myself I could have a heart attack, high blood pressure, maybe suffer a stroke. Now I have to re-think all this. Say, I've been given an expiration date of 80 but I don't eat right, exercise, and avoid bad habits; what would those years be like? And say I did suffer an injury or illness that disabled me, would I still try to live a full life? Or just give up and bide my time until the expiration date? My mind goes in a whirlwind just trying to weigh the pros and cons! I think though, if pressed for an answer, I would try to live a good life (by my country girl standard of good); enjoy my family and friends, try to build a nest egg, take care of my physical and spiritual health, and try to leave a legacy as someone who always tried hard to make my little part of the world a better place for others.

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